Welcome ! Education Pays – Get Yours is a pilot social marketing campaign targeting youth in the Mt. Pleasant, Slavic Village and Central neighborhoods of Cleveland, Ohio. The campaign started in December 2008 and is moving into its' final phase. You may have seen Education Pays-Get Yours billboards, bus signs, radio and tv ads, posters distributed by our street teams, etc. As part of the final push at promoting the importance of education we have established web blogs for each neighborhood. These social networking tools will give residents an opportunity to discuss the campaign and the importance of getting an education.
Mark C. Batson
Executive Director
PolicyBridge, Inc.
My name is Randell McShepard and I am the Chairman and Co-Founder of PolicyBridge, an African-American led public policy think tank based in Cleveland, Ohio. Since December of 2008, we have been running a social marketing campaign titled “Education Pays – Get Yours” which is aimed at minority youth in three Cleveland neighborhoods: Mt. Pleasant, Central and Slavic Village. Our hope is that this campaign motivates youth to take their education seriously and to strive to graduate from high school. We also hope that this campaign inspires young people to set ambitious life goals, rise above peers that suggest to them that “school isn’t cool” and demonstrate what a parent or guardian’s love and support can mean to their academic success.
Randell McShepard
Chairman and Co-Founder
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